It's easy to use, convenient and its cash at your fingertips! Simply present your check card to make a purchase. Your transaction will be deducted from your checking account and will appear on your monthly statement. Use your check card to shop over the phone, online, or at your favorite store and enjoy the same control over your finances as when you write a check.
Your Debit card is accepted more readily than a check- no need to show ID and it can be used the world over. Get cash at an ATM or use your card to get a cash advance at any one of 350,000 financial institutions worldwide!
Debit & Credit Card Information
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM: (218) 547-1160
After Hours: (833) 337-6075
Report Fraud on a Debit Card
If you receive a call or email notification that you have fraud on your Debit Card, please call:
(833) 735-1891
If you receive a text message notification that you had fraud on your Debit Card, please call:
(833) 735-1897
Activate Debit Card or Change PIN
(800) 992-3808
Report a Lost or Stolen Credit Card
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM: (218) 547-1160
After Hours: (800) 423-7503