Tired of carrying cash or writing checks all the time? Try a Debit Card!
No need to carry a checkbook or large sums of cash when you shop. Debit cards are more widely accepted than checks, making them perfect for travel.
Debit and credit cards look alike, but they’re two entirely different payment methods. While a credit card is a “buy-now, pay later” tool, a debit card draws funds from your checking account.
No grace period for a debit card purchase. Since your purchase is automatically deducted from your checking account, make sure you have the money available to cover the full transaction amount at the time of purchase.
First National Bank North offers EMV chip cards; the chip card improves security against fraud compared to magnetic strip card transactions that rely on the holders' signature.
Surcharge free when withdrawn from a Money Pass ATM.
Additional service charge for any non-bank owned ATM.