
Check Free Bill Payment FAQ


Q:        What is the cost for Internet Banking?
A:        Internet Banking is FREE!  However, if you do not access your Internet Banking account for 90 days, the system will disable you and require you to re-enroll.

Q:        How do I start using Internet Banking?
A:        If this is your first time using Internet Banking, you will need to log onto, and select “First Time User”.  You will be prompted to choose an Access ID and Password, and also need to select a Multifactor Authentication, which consists of an image and a caption.

Q:        What if I forget my password or have trouble logging in?
A:        When you first log into Internet Banking go to “My Profiles” update your email address.  You will want to do this anytime your email address changes.  By updating this you are able to use the “Forgot Password” feature.  When you have forgotten your password, select this and a temporary password will be emailed to you, however, this feature does not work if you are locked out or disabled.  Please contact a Customer Service Representative if you think you may be locked out.

Q:        How do I access my accounts once I have signed up?
A:        You may access Internet Banking through First National Bank North website,  

Q:        What is Multifactor Authentication? 
A:        Multifactor Authentication or MFA is additional security for the online banking application.  It is now a standard part of our online banking and works as part of our commitment to protect you against identity theft and fraud.  MFA adds extra layers of online security to prevent unauthorized access to your accounts and reinforces the fact that you are at our financial institutions Internet Banking website.

Q:        How often is my account information updated?
A:        Now that we have moved to “Real Time” Internet Banking, your accounts are updated as soon you make a deposit, withdrawal or loan payment.

Q:        Why isn’t my full account number displayed?
A:        As an additional security feature your account numbers are partially masked so your full account numbers are not displayed.  For example, if your account number is 123456 it will appear as ***456 on the screen.  With this feature, you can view your transactions at a different computer and keep your account numbers safe from viewing.  To mask your account numbers go to “My Profile” and “Edit Account Nicknames”.

Q:        May I download information to financial management software (ex: Quicken or Microsoft Money)?  And how far back does my account information go?
A:        Currently, Quicken can only be downloaded if you have Quicken 2006 or later.  We are not compatible with the newer versions.  Statements are now available online and go back to as many as five years!

Q:        Can other members of my household view my account information from First National Bank North?
A:        There are only two ways someone else can access your account information from FNBNorth.

  1. Your give someone your Login ID and Password. (NOT RECOMMENDED)
  2. They are an owner or signer on the account (each owner/signer on an account should have their own login ID and password).

If you believe someone else is accessing your account illegally, immediately contact a Customer Service Representative at any location.

Q:        What if all my accounts are not displayed on my account list?
A:        In order to view accounts online, you have to be an owner or a signer on the account.


Q:        What is Bill Payment?
A:        Bill Payment allows you to pay bills online.  It’s fast easy and puts you in complete control-you decide who to pay, when to pay them and how often to pay them.  Fees are minimal, or in many cases free! 

Q:        Is paying bills online hard to do?
A:        Paying bills online is easier and takes less time than opening the envelope with your paper bill in it, writing the check and mailing it!  Once you’ve set up the service, just enter the payment amount, schedule the payment date and you’re done!

Q:        Who can I pay online?
A:        Anyone you pay with a paper check, from your mortgage company to an individual person.

Q:        What if my payee says they have not received my payment?
A:        If your payee notifies you that a payment has not posted, please contact CheckFree at 1-800-877-8021 for assistance.

Q:        Can I set recurring payments?
A:        Yes, for recurring expenses such as mortgages or your cable bill for example, you can automatically schedule your payments.  When you enter the Bill payment site, go to “Manage My Bills”, select the Biller Name and add an automatic payment.  Determine your payment amount and the frequency of payments.  Save the Changes and your bills will be paid monthly for the specified amount.

Q:        How much is Bill Payment?
A:        With most of our accounts, Bill Payment is free.  If you use Bill payment once a month there is no fee, if Bill payment is not used at least once a month there is a $4.95 monthly fee.  If you should have any questions about your account, please contact a Customer Service Representative and they would be happy to answer any questions you may have.